Friday, June 28, 2013

Mike's Update on Sarah

This is an update written by Mike Maulsby, my hero. The last few weeks have been pretty hard for me and the pain meds and antibiotics cause  me to be spacey and woozy, weepy and nauseated, thus making it really hard for me to focus and stay awake long enough to write an update. (I have nodded  off many times already just writing this one paragraph.) Anyway, here it is.

Since returning home from the hospital where she spent nine days receiving IV antibiotics for the recurring blood infection, Sarah (and thus I) has been totally maxed out. The antibiotic IVs make her sick and fuzzy headed and are to continue for a total of six weeks, three times a day. This is to totally knock-out any hidden areas of the infection that may be causing the recurrence. 

She is experiencing intense pain in her legs and hip area which requires narcotic pain relievers to manage. These meds put a damper on her thought process; she has trouble thinking clearly and tends to nod off occasionally for brief periods. We are nonetheless so grateful that the pain is under control. Deterioration of lower back vertebrae is the suspected cause, putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. It hasn’t yet been definitively determined how much of the disk deterioration is due to cancer spread, but it does appear that there is cancer activity in that area.

Sarah has an unmanageable schedule of appointments and treatments: home antibiotic IVs 3x/day, vitamin C IVs 2-3x/week, IPT treatments in Santa Fe 2x/week, weekly appointments at the Infectious Disease clinic, twice daily coffee enemas, home nebulizer treatments nightly, when possible appointments with her chiropractor, acupuncturist and primary care NP. Add appointments with the oncologist, the oncologist’s assistant, and schedule an X-Ray and MRI somewhere in between, and you get the picture.

Due to the pain meds, Sarah can’t drive. We've been blessed with the help of neighbors and friends to pitch in and help out with transportation. Sarah’s diet has to be especially good now. She doesn't have the time or energy to cook, so we've been ordering out from some of the healthier restaurants nearby and relying on friends and neighbors to help with shopping.

Sarah is experiencing some incontinence issues as well as swelling feet and lower legs. She coughs regularly and experiences occasional nausea and vomiting due to the antibiotics.

Here’s the bottom line with Sarah: irrepressible smile, indomitable spirit. Right?! The most courageous person I know. 


  1. Sarah, on my website, upper right hand corner you will see a keyboard/rose which is a link to "Tally's Lullaby." It came together in a most magical way for healing the community of Virginia Tech and anyone who needs a little boost. No doubt, it was channeled. If you choose to listen/download (it's free) may it bring the healing energy we all could use, into and through you.


    1. Thank you, Winter. I will listen to it!
      Love and hugs,

  2. Sending love and hugs. Praying. Wishing. Hoping.
    I love you,

  3. Sarah, hang on, I know this will pass and you will feel well again soon!!!! You are a strong and courageous and beautiful woman.
    Psalm 34:
    15 The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones,
    And his ears are toward their cry for help.
    16 The face of Jehovah is against those doing what is bad,
    To cut off the mention of them from the very earth.
    17 They cried out, and Jehovah himself heard,
    And out of all their distresses he delivered them.
    18 Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart;
    And those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
    19 Many are the calamities of the righteous one,
    But out of them all Jehovah delivers him.
    20 He is guarding all the bones of that one;
    Not one of them has been broken.

  4. All love and blessings to you!! We are told there has to be some good in this somewhere, even if right in this moment I cannot see it. I can only hope and trust that it is true. Love, Ken

  5. "Here’s the bottom line with Sarah: irrepressible smile, indomitable spirit. Right?! The most courageous person I know."
    Yep. You've got that right. She is remarkable!
    We all love her and are lucky to know her.
    Sending love to you!!!
    Mary Corrado

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you every single day. It must be so comforting to know that there are so many people who love and care about you. Your remarkable strength & tenacious spirit is powerful in itself. Stay strong Sarah. Love always, Fran

  7. Loves, hugs, and abundant well-wishes. Your bravery is astounding. A true inspiration.
    -Chris Liberatore Lopez

  8. Dang Sarah, you've got to have a lot of life and spirit in you, just to survive all those treatments that were listed, Ay yi yi! If I make some gluten-free biscotti, would you like some?
    What a cast of great friends you have. Have you a circle of committed people who bring you meals? Has anyone set that up? It's what was being done for my neighbor's son down the street. He is now at Stanford being evaluated for a lung transplant due to Cystic Fibrosis.

    Do you like greens? I've been receiving goodies from friends' gardens and would gladly share. Hang in there lady.
    I start the CNM RN program in the fall so I'm working on the Certified Nursing Assistant this summer as a prerequisite. I hope your health care providers are as kind, patient and witty as you are. Much love ... Claire

  9. Thinking of you, Sarah. Hope things are lightening up.. so glad Mike is there for you!

  10. Just got back in the country from a youth mission trip in Belize with my daughter. I want you to know that I treasure these updates and eagerly await each one. Directing my thoughts and prayers in your direction every day.

